LEAP Africa Articles

LEAP Africa invests in continuous research on leadership development in Africa, and has published pioneering books which form an integral component of its curriculum. To date LEAP Africa has published resources on various topics such as succession planning, corporate governance, business ethics, talent management, among others.
Leap Africa artcle

A Beginner’s Guide to Active Citizenship By Chidera Okoma

LEAP Africa Positive Youth Development: Towards Securing Africa’s Future

Positive Youth Development: Towards Securing Africa’s Future

LEAP Africa Volunteering as A Major Frontier in Active Citizenship

Volunteering as A Major Frontier in Active Citizenship

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Making‌ ‌a‌ ‌Paradigm‌ ‌Shift:‌ ‌Tackling‌ ‌Youth‌ ‌Unemployment‌ ‌in‌ ‌Nigeria‌

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Self-Directed‌ ‌Learning:‌ ‌Motivating‌ ‌Young‌ ‌People‌ ‌to‌ ‌Learn‌ ‌in‌ ‌Difficult‌ ‌Situations‌

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Fostering‌ ‌a‌ ‌Conducive‌ ‌Learning‌ ‌Environment‌ ‌for‌ ‌Public‌ ‌School‌ ‌Students‌ ‌in‌ ‌Nigeria‌

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LEAP AFRICA COVID-19 Response: the stories of our social innovators on the front line

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LEAP Africa COVID 19 Response: The Impact on a Female Inmate

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Traditional‌ ‌VS‌ ‌Novel‌ ‌Careers:‌ ‌Career‌ ‌Pathways‌ ‌for‌ ‌Students‌

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She‌ ‌Can‌ ‌Lead‌ ‌Too:‌ ‌Leadership‌ ‌Development‌ ‌for‌ ‌Women‌ ‌in‌ ‌Africa‌

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Redefining‌ ‌Africa’s‌ ‌Leadership‌ ‌Challenge:‌ ‌The‌ ‌Rise‌ ‌of‌ ‌a‌ ‌Crippled‌ ‌Giant‌

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How LEAP Africa is supporting social innovation in West Africa

We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone