LEAP-ing Beyond Limitations: A Charge Towards Greatness

The outgoing year 2020 has been described by many as the toughest, most uncertain and unpredictable year they have ever experienced. Many others have expressed how deeply their mental health has suffered due to fear and anxiety that came along with losses and pain in various degrees. The reason for this is not farfetched; humanity faced a global pandemic that it was largely unprepared for.

Organizations and people were forced to re-strategize, rethink and retool themselves in light of the realities while hoping that it would end. There was an exponential growth in the Information Technology (ICT) sector, and remote work became a buzzword. Social networking platforms gained popularity while mental health issues increased. Despite the losses, fears, and anxiety, we made it out of the old year with hopes, looking to the new year with renewed optimism.

Interestingly, 2021 started with the second wave of an uncommon strain of the deadly virus with a broader spread and more casualties. High hopes came crashing, and expectations unmet as we all look in dismay as the year began on a more different note than what we hoped for. 

The COVID19 pandemic as we know it may be here for a long time, and unconsciously, we have started adapting to the changes occasioned by it. Despite the feelings of hopelessness in the air, we must remain optimistic and trust that humanity is strong enough to overcome despite the pandemic invasion. In spite of these realities, the question remains: how do individuals and organizations inspire themselves to greatness?

Emerging A Phoenix from the Furnace of Uncertainty

The truth is that humanity as we know it has changed forever. There is absolutely no going back – we can only move forward to become better and stronger. History has repeatedly shown the resilience of the human race. Despite how often we have been dealt blows in the form of epidemics, natural disasters, and even human-made destructions; yet, we survived. We must hold on to that twig of hope and remind ourselves that we are resilient enough, not just to cope with these uncertainties and unpleasantness but to move and leap beyond these limitations.

It is essential to emphasize the need to protect our mental health and safety, as recent studies have shown an increase in mental health issues. The need to deal with uncertainty is not akin to human nature hence the higher mental stress level. Therefore, we must be intentional about treating ourselves right, especially our thought patterns and what our minds are exposed to. While the media increasingly shows negative news, we must do our best to minimize its influence by deliberately limiting exposure. Be kind to yourself and remove things that interfere with your mental wellbeing.

In all of this, remember that behind each of your fears, you will discover your fortune, so show up. When we show up, we learn more about ourselves and how best to adapt, retool and relearn how to do better. A writer once said, your growth begins at the end of your comfort zone. Therefore, see these challenges as growth pipelines that will help you build courage, resilience, and character to continue. 


LEAP-ing Beyond Limitations

At LEAP Africa, the COVID19 pandemic was unanticipated, hence unprepared for, as was the case for many organizations. However, the year 2020 opened up possibilities and stretched us in ways we only thought possible in the distant future. As the realities stared us in the face, we re-strategized and dared to achieve great things despite the uncertainties. We held our first virtual conference for Social innovators with delegates from different continents. The Social Innovators Programme (SIP) was also expanded to accommodate applicants from other African countries. Hence, the new class of 2020/2021 cohorts is a rich mix of participants from around west Africa.

Leveraging technology, we impacted young Nigerians through the Virtual Youth Leadership Programme (VYLP) for undergraduates to foster and encourage their active participation in community development and nation-building. The list is endless – these possibilities only emerged because we saw beyond the pandemic despite the daunting challenges it presented.

As we commence activities for the new year, our theme for the year, LEAP-ing Beyond Limitations, mirrors our experiences and convictions to thrive and lead against all odds. Through our ETA strategy encapsulated as Ecosystem Building, Thought Leadership, and Advocacy, we are resolved more than ever to equip, enable and support young people to become transformative leaders. We aim to strengthen youth ecosystems across Africa and foster thought leadership on youth development through research and programming efforts while championing advocacy on youth issues.

As we do our part in moving the needle of Africa’s transformation through impactful youth-focused interventions, we can only do great things. With your support, collaboration and contribution, we will achieve extraordinary things.  The light at the end of the tunnel is beckoning on us to keep moving forward, and we are counting on you to join us

by Imuetinyan Hope Obamwonyi


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