Pandemic‌ ‌of‌ ‌a‌ ‌Decade:‌ The‌ ‌Silver‌ ‌Lining‌ ‌in‌ ‌a‌ ‌Dark‌ ‌Cloud‌


The recent outbreak of the COVID19 pandemic is generating stress globally; people around the world are facing increasing mental health issues due to uncertainties of the future.  The world has been taken by storm by a virus almost non-existent one year ago; it’s devastating effect has had a global reach with 1,172,889 reported cases and 62,829 deaths. The pandemic which was first detected in December 2019 in China has spread across Europe, America, Asia and Africa in a rage forcing national governments to enforce lock downs, compulsory self-isolation and physical (social) distancing.

Global economies are witnessing a downward curve with trades coming to a halt without warning and movements of goods and people restricted abruptly. Business have suffered unprecedented losses; employees are uncertain about their jobs and the future of work for them; and families fear for their loved ones who live-in high-risk areas. There is global panic and anxiety attacks is on the rise as more cases are reported daily without symptoms. The contagious nature of the virus leaves many in fear of how long it will take to contain it. Despite these headlines, how do we not lose hope? How can we maintain our mental health? How do we look to the future with optimism instead of pessimism? 


Managing vulnerabilities – Mental Health and Wellbeing

Although much focus has been on tackling the pandemic and ensuring that things are restored to what was normal, there is need to pay attention to the psychological and emotional impact of the pandemic. Stressors such as uncertainty about the future, financial constraint, abuse resulting from proximity with abusers as well as other forms of vulnerabilities may cause a strain in mental health and wellbeing if left unchecked. This means that deliberate attempt must be made to ensure that optimism is maintain in these times and vulnerable persons are protected.

The lockdown in affected countries means that mental health has become the responsibility of everyone. Deliberate efforts in self-leadership must be made to manage stressors in a way that they do not affect the mental well being of individuals. This can be done by refocusing energies and thoughts on positive things rather than negativity.

It is important to note that COVID19 is not a death sentence as increasing cases of recoveries are reported. This means the pandemic is not a terminal disease without any known solution hence, regardless of status, one must stay positive and hopeful. Stigmatizing and name-calling of reported cases and victims may trigger stress and poor mental health. Therefore, efforts must be made to show empathy and concern for their plight.


The Silver lining

It is true that the world will never be the same again, however, it is better to see this change with positivity. History has revealed countlessly that behind every disaster, there is a silver lining; humanity can rest assured that no disaster however terrible is without redeeming social content. Never forget that all change is good; hard at the beginning, messy in the middle but beautiful and worthwhile at the end.

More than ever, now is the time to spread hope and not fear. Look to the future with great optimism. Train your thoughts to focus its energy on positive things and seek out same. Take advantage of any avenue you come across to spread positive energy, the world has seen ugly and all must be done to keep hope alive. Use this period of solitude to rediscover yourself and gain personal mastery. Check your goals and plans to see if they still align with your strengths and weaknesses. No better time than now to renew your commitment to self-leadership. 

Futuristic plans are useful, but it is better to be present and savour moments as they occur. Don’t be in a hurry that you miss the little joys of the moments. Live intentionally and purposefully to the end that you do the very things that sets your soul on fire. Spend more time in personal contemplations and know what truly makes you come alive. 

Rekindle old and meaningful relationships and let empathy be at its core. Research has shown that empathetic people have better relationships with themselves as they are able put other people’s feelings and perspectives into consideration before they act. While maintaining healthy physical distance, invest in relationships that are devoid of the usual hustle and bustle of life, reassess the basis of your relations and decide the ones worth investing in.

Be a source of hope to others, there is always a silver lining in every cloud.

  By Obamwonyi H. Imuetinyan


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