Self-Directed‌ ‌Learning:‌ ‌Motivating‌ ‌Young‌ ‌People‌ ‌to‌ ‌Learn‌ ‌in‌ ‌Difficult‌ ‌Situations‌


The impact of COVID-19 pandemic is revealing the need for recreating the classroom in the home; unfortunately, most parents are unprepared for this responsibility. With the help of teachers through the provision of online resources, learning materials, and assessment, parents can take control of their children and ward’s academic achievement during this pandemic. However, how do young people remain motivated to continue learning at home outside the four walls of a school without their favourite spots and friends? This pandemic has indeed presented a golden opportunity for parents to engage young people in self-directed learning where students learn at their own pace, with the vast amount of resources on the internet available for them to explore. By enabling young people to take charge of their learning, their capacity to remain motivated, be creative, and independent is greatly improved. 


Self-Directed Learning and Motivation

With young people at home due to the rampant spread of the coronavirus, many parents face the struggle of sticking to learning schedules; this may be due to the traditional mindset that teaching and learning should occur within the four walls of a classroom. The sudden shift to “classroom in the home” sheds light on how young people can engage in deep learning that is self-directed and is aligned with their learning interests. Parents can find it easier to manage to learn if young people can give inputs on what they want to learn and how they want to learn. A significant benefit of young people having a choice over their learning is the intrinsic motivation that they build over time. When learning is self-directed, they have a choice on how learning can be facilitated, and they are empowered to make decisions for themselves. When young people are confident in their learning, they are willing to challenge themselves, widen their scope of knowledge. Knowledge is significant for young people when they gain the incentive to satisfy their interest and curiosity. 

Motivation is essential when it comes to enhancing successful learning outcomes; a young person who is motivated to complete a school activity at home without being asked to and goes above and beyond to complete assignments without being prompted is a one who is in control of their learning. Motivation works best when students are confident in their abilities.  During these times, students should be allowed to have a say in what and how they learn; this is because when they are in control of their learning, they become more invested in their academic outcomes. Although teachers provide a structured study guide for parents to follow, parents can still customize the lesson content to suit their interests, thereby motivating them to engage in more learning in the home. A variety of learning styles, such as auditory, visual, or kinaesthetic approaches can also be introduced to aid learning as students find the most suitable style for themselves.

Self-directed learning may be particularly helpful for young people who also struggle with learning difficulties because they can focus on topics that pique their interests and explore topics, they have little knowledge. Through this process, they begin to understand the different strategies that help them learn better. Access to the internet is essential for effective self-directed learning as there is a wealth of online resources that can be used to investigate real-world problems like the coronavirus pandemic. This will help them build skills such as curiosity, problem-solving, critical thinking and communications. 

As the world continues its battle with COVID-19, no one is sure when the pandemic will end and for how long social distancing needs to be practised. This uncertainty is a massive weight on people’s morale and outlook; therefore, it is essential to encourage young people’s efforts towards continuous learning. Even if they are not particularly successful in a task, efforts and attempts should be acknowledged with positivity. This will build help the students’ self-esteem so that they can maintain a positive outlook especially in a time like this when it feels like the world has taken a long pause.

Parents should use this time to hone their skills through learning activities as guided by the teachers. Students should be encouraged to keep journals or a folder of their work to track their progress; this will enable them to understand their learning journey. It is often said that it is easier to remain motivated to learn when one understands that education is a lifelong pursuit, hence, keeping a learning journal will help students embrace their journeys while reflectively seeking ways to improve.

Playing an active role in managing their learning and assessing their progress encourages intrinsic motivation in students because there is no pressure to meet deadlines. They set the pace of their learning and decide how much to cover each day. Self-directed learning affords students the luxury of spending more time on subjects they do not understand. They can even repeat lessons as often as they want without the stigma of taking longer than their peers. 

Self-directed learning makes teaching easier for parents, and it is an excellent form of learning that could be implemented in the classroom too. Young people can build their independence by learning how to do things by themselves, as well as discover their strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, they develop a positive approach to learning as they understand that their learning outcome ultimately rests with them.

By Dr‌ ‌Aderonke‌ ‌Folorunsho‌ 


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