Transformative Leadership Program

Equipping teachers with the skills to lead, inspire and transform communities. TLP is designed to equip teachers administrators with the knowledge, confidence and skills required to model leadership and effectively support the leadership development of the students at the secondary level.

Our Impact

Enrolled teachers into a 3-year programme
Teachers provided with training toolkits
Students reached who are Scholars in the MCF programme
Countries Reached (Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Uganda and Ethiopia)
Teachers participated on the program
Scholars reached on the program
Give-back projects completed
Indirect beneficiaries through give-back projects
Teachers and education administrators are invaluable to raising leaders who can transform Africa. When teachers and other education leaders are motivated, inspired, empowered and equipped they can create change in their schools and communities which will have a ripple effect on many students.

The transformative leadership programme is designed to equip teachers, school and education administrators with the knowledge, confidence and skills required to model leadership and effectively support the leadership development of their students.

In the Transformative Leadership Programme, educators go through blended learning through a variety of real time classroom workshops, self-paced courses, webinars, and a virtual community of practice.

The educators are also provided with toolkits and an action planning for championing change within their schools and domains.

Programme Components

Training of Trainers

At the ToT, Teachers are equipped with the knowledge and skills required to become Transformative Leaders. They are introduced to the concept of transformative leadership and made to understand how their leadership qualities impact the leadership development of their students.

Post-training Engagement

This component of the programme is designed to create an opportunity for teachers to implement what they have learnt in the ToT back in their home schools with their mentees.

Community Give-Back Projects

In collaboration with their Scholars, the teachers brainstorm ideas for community give-back projects based on relevant problems in their school or communities. The teachers and Scholars create proposals and are supported with seed grants to implement their ideas


This provides an opportunity to reward and recognise the TMs for their hard work throughout the programme year. The program ends with a teachers’ appreciation dinner and awards ceremony.

TLP Reports


The Evidence of a Transformative Journey

Leap Africa newsletter decmcfwebversion

Transformative Leadership Program Newsletter 2019

Leap Africa newsletter tlpmcf

Transformative Leadership Program Newsletter 2020

Leap Africa MCF Final Report Updated VHO11082022 page 0001

Transformative Leadership Program Evaluation Report 2022

Success Stories

From Teacher to Politician: The Inspiring Story of Madam Mary from Tamale

Transformative leadership is more than just leading oneself; it is an audacious attempt to lead others. This is the inspiring story of Madam Mary from Tamale, Ghana. Her story leaves one with the belief that courage is all we need to achieve anything. As a teacher, she was initially bereft of the courage to attempt more than her job as a guardian and counsellor.

Through her participation in the TLP, she was prepared to not only aspire to public office in her community – an attempt that has since inspired more women to have higher aspirations – but also become an icon and advocate for other women.

In her interview, she noted that she had always been a talker who often spent productive time chatting with friends. An activity that contributed little to her future aspirations and her life. Participating in the ToT raised her consciousness to understand the concept of self-awareness. She deliberately outlined her strengths and weaknesses to focus only on skills and competencies that will contribute to her future aspirations.

She did away with idle chatter and utilised her passion for speaking towards social good by advocating for women’s rights. Her self-confidence soared, and she took an audacious step by contesting for public office as a councillor in her region. The reception surprised her as she was quite unsure of the outcome of her declaration.

Although she did not win the election from the party primaries, her declaration has opened opportunities and platforms. At the time of this interview, she was a guest on local TV and radio stations, and they expressed surprise at the prospect of a ‘common teacher’ vying for public office. This is a true demonstration that anyone can be a leader, as leadership skills are not innately bequeathed.

Mary has since returned to the classroom doing what she loves as a guidance counsellor. She is actively supporting students and teachers in the school to achieve their dreams, irrespective of their background. She lends her voice to issues that affect women in Tamale as she has become an icon they look up to.

“I will never again view my life through dark lenses” - A story of Maureen from Kenya

Maureen Murugi, a scholar from Nguviu Girls in Kenya, was described as very naïve and laid-back with unimpressive academic performance. As a Mastercard scholar, she almost lost her scholarship due to her poor academic performance. Unknown to fellow students and teachers, Maureen was dealing with domestic problems that hindered her emotional stability and resulted in poor relationships with other students. During one of the cascading sessions with the Teacher Mentor, the module on self-identity caught her attention.

She made a personal pledge: “I will never again view my life through dark lenses”. With time, through the other cascading sessions, Maureen grew quite confident and consulted the teacher on issues that disturbed her. Through the TM’s support, she overcame these challenges and became a better version of herself within a year. Maureen later became the library prefect at her school, a true demonstration of personal leadership which earned her the position. She also became the chairperson of the scholars’ club in Nguviu Girls, all thanks to LEAP Africa’s Transformative Leadership Program.

In Pursuit of More - Ssemanda Deusdedit from Uganda

The TLP personally has impacted me by forcing me to go back to school; I will be graduating soon as an M&E Specialist at the postgraduate level. This has helped me to make better judgments and recommendations and set key performance indicators in every activity. It has also earned me more recognition and promotion at work in different areas”

TLP in Images

If you want to improve the lives of a significant number of students and improve education systems, invest in an educator!